

Please Contact Us for a Free Consultation.

Save over 50% on Staffing Costs and Transform Your Business

With radically reduced labor costs and fewer HR, IT, and recruitment concerns, you can focus on improving care, customer satisfaction and your bottom line.

The following prices are monthly for full-time employees. 

  • Low
  • High
Demographics Specialists $1 650,00 $2 124,00
Charge Entry Specialists $1 650,00 $2 124,00
Eligibility Verification Specialists $1 650,00 $2 016,00
Payment Posters $1 650,00 $2 124,00
AR Specialists $1 758,00 $2 232,00
OON A/R Specialists $1 758,00 $2 232,00
Medical Billing Specialists $1 650,00 $2 016,00
Senior Medical Billing Specialists $2 082,00 $2 664,00
Certified Coding Specialists $2 298,00 $3 096,00
Senior Billing Supervisors $3 100,00 $4 385,00
Senior Coding Supervisors $2 406,00 $3 250,00
Claims and Denial Specialists $1 650,00 $2 124,00
EDI Specialists $1 866,00 $2 664,00
Credentialing Specialists $1 866,00 $2 448,00

*Prices are for indicative purposes only and are subject to change upon consultation.

  • Low
  • High
Patient / Customer Support $1 650,00 $2 016,00
Referral Support $1 650,00 $2 016,00
Bookkeeping / Accounting $1 650,00 $2 232,00
Back Office - HR, Recruiting, Admin $1 650,00 $2 232,00
Medical Transcription $1 434,00 $1 908,00
Telehealth Nurse $1 542,00 $2 016,00

*Prices are for indicative purposes only and are subject to change upon consultation.

  • Entry Level
  • Mid Level
  • Expert Level
Support Roles
Entry Level
Mid Level
Expert Level
Back Office Chat/Email Support $1 203 $1 227 $1 321
Back Office Administrative Tasks $1 321 $1 438 $1 556
Referral Support $1 556 $1 674 $1 791
Medical/Patient Support $1 556 $1 674 $1 791
Customer Support $1 438 $1 556 $1 674
Healthcare Practice Support $1 556 $1 627 $1 674

*Prices subject to change upon consultation

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